I love the look of this quilt. My sis came over with her young uns and helped me tie it. Friday night we worked on it and again on Saturday, while the kids played and competed for our attention.
after the tying was done, I tried the tutorial I found at Flourishing Palms blog (see post right before this one). I even used the school glue for basting, and let me tell you it worked great. My DH gave me a hobby table cover for Christmas, one that you can iron on, and it was a great help with the heat setting of the glue. There's not enough space on the ironing board to stretch out a whole quilt, I really needed table space but didn't want to use our dining room table for ironing.. With the heat proof padded table cover, I could use a utility table I usually use for cutting for ironing surface. After glue basting, I sewed on two strips of binding so I could try the folding and marking, and here's how that looks:
I sewed on the markings, turned it right side out, and there you go, perfect mitered corner. I can't tell you how happy I was to find this! I have struggled and struggled with bindings, it is heartbreaking to take all the time to do a qult and then have a binding that is not up to standard. I finally feel proud of a binding I've done.
Isn't that beautiful!
when the whole thing is done, I will proudly post a finished picture. Wouldn't you know I have run short on the pink fabric I'm using for the binding. A green was chosen originally, but it just didn't look right after I had it all cut out. Back to the LQS!